Contact Us To enable us to pass your enquiry to the correct department please carefully fill out this form. I need help with: * Please Select Form Filling Benefit Appeals Advice and General Guidance Which Benefit * Please Select Personal Independence Payment Pension Credit Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living Allowance Carers Allowance Employment Support Allowance Not Sure, Advice needed. I need advice on: * Please Select Benefits Personal Wellbeing What Area are you in ? * Please Select Stoke on Trent Staffordshire West Midlands Newcastle U Lyme Are you filling this form out for yourself or a family member/client? * Self Family member/Client Referrer's Details Referrer's Name: * Referrer's Organisation * Referrer's Email Address * Referrer's Contact Details * Date of Referral * Care Coordinators Name: * Please supply the details of the person requiring our help. Title * Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr. Prof. Mx First Name * Surname * Address * Postcode * Phone Number * Email Address D.O.B * National Insurance Number Gender * Male Female Other Nature of Disability * Ethnic Group * Prefered language * Housing Status * Employment Status * Brief details for referral: * Current Benefit/s claimed. * Health Safety and/or safeguarding Issues: * Does the person named above or their representative give verbal consent for a referral to be made to Disability Solutions Benefits Service? * Yes Please Confirm You Have Read The Contribution Policy (Not applicable to SOTWBT and MAC team referrals. * Yes Contribution Policy Please make sure you have correctly stated the required benefit, failure to do so will result in a delayed response from us as your email will be incorrectly routed. SEND Name
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Contribution Policy
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North Staffordshire Medical InstituteHartshill RoadHartshillStoke on TrentST4 7NYTelephone: 01782 638300
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